Wednesday 31 March 2010

This is an image by Alex Webb and it is called ’Mexico. Oaxaca state, Tehuantepec. 1985. children playing in a courtyard

This is a picture of young Mexican children playing in the normal street. Behind the children there is a building that looks historical the colour’s of it are pale blue and white in the lower right third there are steps that are like a checker board pattern however the ground has no shadows which could indicate that is mid day and it could be cloudy.

This image was taken by Alex Webb who was born in San Francisco, California, in 1952 and began his photography career in 1975. He is a documentary photographer and has worked for big magazine’s such as New York time’s magazine’s , Geo and life. This picture I have chosen is an award winning image and it is called ‘’Mexico. Oaxaca state, Tehuantepec. 1985. children playing in a courtyard.’’ He took this image for a competition in a newspaper. This image reflects that children are the future of the world and no matter where they are in the world they have the freedom to do anything by the boy spinning the world on the tip of his finger. With this image you have to rely on your own perspective for the depth of field, you see the young boy with the world on his finger tip then the boy standing on the monument. The next point is the building to the right and then the eye is led under the archway where a woman is walking and leads to a court yard of trees. This image reminds me of an image by Henri Cartier Bresson of children in front of a white wall and a man with a bowler hat on.

Sunday 28 February 2010

In this images i like the reflection in the water it almost mirrors the sky and how it captures the crispnessof a frosty morning

For this image I used an pentax k1000,instead of using black and white film i decided to use a colour (Ilford xr2 400f). I like this image as it shows different vibrant colour's which makes it look inviting to people to come and vist, i also took this picture to show the landscape and surroundings

Thursday 25 February 2010

This image is also of Tolcarne beach, when i was walking across the beach I noticed the different lighting in the sky and it drew my eye. when I took the image, i liked how the cliffs were in darkness compared to the sky which is lighter.I also took this image on my sony erisson phone. this prove's that you don't need an expensive camera to take a good photograph. this image that i have taken is similar to an image i found by Mike Mcfarlane of faerie castle, storr, skye and scotland.