week 2

Week 2 is about people and there natural surroundings and all the image's i have taken for this week are in colour. I have used a canon 400D camera and a pentax camera which i have used a colour film for. i have also researched other street photographer's such as Alex Webb and Henri Cartier Bresson.

In this image above. I was trying to capture the leading lines in the centre by using the statues. I also like how the trees either side of the image draw your eye to the rear of the image. I also like how the people seem to be natural and relaxing by the water and the young child just off centre to the right looks as though she is holding something.

I took this image of a guy trying to make a living with his music.The tree above casts a dappled shade over him but light shines through the trees in the top right of the image.
In this image I was trying to capture Henri Cartiar-Bresson's photograph of "Children in front of a white wall and a man with a bowler hat on" However in this picture I have captured the boy sliding on the floor.

This is a street scere of a man crossing the road on the right side of the image. I like the angle of the zebra crossing and the building in the back ground and I like how the position of the man is not in the centre.
For this image i used a colour film and because i couldnt develope the film in collage i went to a supermarket and got them to develope my film for me. i like how the face is in focus and the background is blurred.