week 5

 My inspiration for my images for this week are different types of animals, I have been reseaching different types of books such as Minding Animals by Marc Bekoff.

 This image is of a South American frog. I was trying to show the natural surrounding and habitat.I was lucky enough to take this image when the frog was still and my flash did not reflect through the glass. I like the contrast in textures and colours like the smoothness of the stones and how the light reflect on the edge of the stone on the left handside.I also like how the frondo of the grass protade in front of the frong and the contract in the colour and texture.
I really like this image as I have cought the motion of the bird in flight because the wing's are blurred. I also think that it is a cheeky photograph as the bird is stealing the horses food.
In this Image I have caught this squirel balancing on the back of the bench.It looks like the squirel is posing for this shot as he is so still.I like the back ground with the leaves on the ground it makes the benches stand out and I also like the straight lines of the back of the bench and the curves of the metal ends. The tree to the left of the image looks old and tacky abit like the wood in the bench.
This is a photograph of a wild bird. The bird is in the centre of the image and the light is reflected on the branch giving the bird more light.
With this image I was trying to capture the baby monkey in his mother arm's however I missed the moment, so I took this image instead.The mother looks as though she is deep in thought and in the lower right third you can see the monkey is sort of camouflaged against the rocks.