week 3

For my third week i chose to take images of graffiti and structures of  buildings.
I saw this building and i thought the structure was really old compared to everything around it . I like how the sky is smooth and the building's are rugged. I took this image with a canon 400D
I like the style of this image with the random holes in the walls and the depth of field going down to the right of the image. However if I took this image again I would make sure not to include carpet  in it.
This is a shop front that has graffiti on it shutters. It shows how talented people are when doing this.
I don't like this image as it is to dark. I should have used a flash on my camrea.

In this image it is a building which is advertising some type of drink. the image looks like a reflection on both sides of the building. I also like the colour of the image as it stands out the building.
This is a pattern on a ceiling it has circular shapes fixed to the roof. And I like the pattern it the forms, and the contrast between the dark space in between.